Fast & flexible appointment scheduling, via Doctolib(Niko) or Jameda(Simon)
Physiocologne physiotherapy tailored to you!
Welcome to PhysioCologne, your practice for physiotherapy at the Brüsseler Platz in the heart of cologne. We specialize in treating post- and nonoperative care of all musculosceletal disorders from head to toe. We also know how to coach you through chronic (back)pain and help you get back on track for the life and sport you love.
Fast & flexible appointment scheduling, via Doctolib(Niko) or Jameda(Simon)
Physiocologne physiotherapy tailored to you!
Welcome to PhysioCologne, your practice for physiotherapy at the Brüsseler Platz in the heart of cologne.
We specialize in treating post- and nonoperative care of all musculosceletal disorders from head to toe.
We also know how to coach you through chronic (back)pain and help you get back on track for the life and sport you love.

What our patients value
Fast and flexible appointment scheduling, even on weekends
Individual and personal care

Tailored therapy approaches for each patient
Utilizing modern therapy methods for optimized results
Expertise in scoliosis therapy following the principles of Katharina von Schroth
What my patients appreciate about me
Fast and flexible appointment scheduling, even on weekends
Individual and personal care

Tailored therapy approaches for each patient
Utilizing modern therapy methods for optimal results
Expertise in scoliosis therapy following the principles of Katharina von Schroth
We specialize in the following treatments:
Krankengymnastik (KG)[Physiotherapy]
Krankengymnastik bei neurologischen Beeinträchtigungen (KG-ZNS(PNF))
[Physiotherapy for neurological disorders]
Klassische Massagetherapie(KMT)
[Massage therapy]
Manuelle Lymphdrainage(MLD)
[Lymphatic drainage]
[Warmth therapy]
[Electro therapy]
[Hopme visits]
We specialize in the following treatments:
Krankengymnastik (KG)[Physiotherapy]
Krankengymnastik bei neurologischen Beeinträchtigungen (KG-ZNS(PNF))
[Physiotherapy for neurological disorders]
Klassische Massagetherapie(KMT)
[Massage therapy]
Manuelle Lymphdrainage(MLD)
[Lymphatic drainage]
[Warmth therapy]
[Electro therapy]
[Hopme visits]
time to take action
Are you ready for a comprehensive and profound treatment? Schedule an appointment with us today. We are here to help you understand the cause of your discomfort and develop a therapy plain tailored to your speficic needs and problems. Click on 'Schedule Appointment' now and book your initial session for physiotherapy with us, taking the first step towards your recovery!
time to take action
Are you ready for a comprehensive and profound treatment? Schedule an appointment with us today. We are here to help you understand the cause of your discomfort and develop a therapy plain tailored to your speficic needs and problems. Click on 'Schedule Appointment' now and book your initial session for physiotherapy with us, taking the first step towards your recovery!
📍 Location,
📞 Contact, and
🚪 Opening Hours
We are located in Cologne
The practice is located in the heart of the Belgian Quarter at the Brüsseler Platz. Easily accessible via train lines and a 5–minute walk, with a parking garage directly opposite.
The practice is on the 1st floor, straight ahead after leaving the elevator.
Physiocologne Niko Esser
Monday Friday: 8:30 12:30, 13:00 18:30
(Appointments on weekends are also possible.)
phone number
0172 1899277
📍 Location,
📞 Contact, and
🚪 Opening Hours
We are located in Cologne
The practice is located in the heart of the Belgian Quarter atthe Brüsseler Platz. Easily accessible via train lines and a 5–minute walk, with a parking garage directly opposite.
The practice is on the 1st floor, straight ahead after leaving the elevator.
Physiocologne Niko Esser
Monday Friday: 8:30 12:30, 13:00 18:30
(Appointments on weekends are also possible.)
phone number
0172 1899277
about us
Niko After my state examination in physiotherapy at the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth, and Supply in Koblenz in 2016, I have continuously expanded my expertise.
International certifications, such as KG-ZNS under Renata Horst at MFZ Hannover and Cranio-mandibular Dysfunction at Therapie Centrum Nord in 2019, have deepened my skills. Motivational Interviewing, device-supported physiotherapy, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, I offer a wide range of therapeutic options. Since 2016, I have been practicing successfully in Sinzig and opened my own practice in Cologne in 2024.
about us
Niko After my state examination in physiotherapy at the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth, and Supply in Koblenz in 2016, I have continuously expanded my expertise.
International certifications, such as KG-ZNS under Renata Horst at MFZ Hannover and Cranio-mandibular Dysfunction at Therapie Centrum Nord in 2019, have deepened my skills. With experience in Manual Therapy according to the Maitland Concept, Motivational Interviewing, device-supported physiotherapy, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage, I offer a wide range of therapeutic options. Since 2016, I have been practicing successfully in Sinzig and opened my own practice in Cologne in 2024.
Niko Esser & Simon Krings
Niko Esser & Simon Krings